Riding In Cars with Boys (2001) Director: Penny Marshall

Trigger Warnings: Pregnancy, Drug Abuse (specifically heroin), Divorce, Family disputes, do not watch this film if you are going through cold turkey or recovery off heroin

Just before we begin; This movie was life-changing for me and helped me face my issues head on.

Okay so we all know by now that I like to get straight into it so let’s go!

Riding in Cars with Boys is a memoir written by Beverly Donofrio which is centred around her experience of being pregnant and married at 15 years old. She has a passion for wanting to be a writer and earn herself a degree. However, her parents and the pressure of having to keep the baby derails her plans. Because of this she finds herself resenting the child as he grows up and she tries to be a mother.

She discovers that her husband has a heroin addiction which consequently ends up with her asking him to move out (oh yeah this scene is quite upsetting and not recommended for individuals who are triggered by a parent leaving).

Thankfully, things do look up for her eventually but it is a very hard-hitting piece of cinema and does make you think about the hardships that some parents have to face, especially when the child has hindered your ambitions.

There are some very sweet and funny moments and you grow to empathise with her character, she really tried her hardest under the circumstances.

My favourite character: Beverley’s Mother, she is so ballsy but caring

How old was I when I watched it: Around ten years old, I was mesmerised by the acting

Ranking of favourite film: hmmm…I’d say 6th

What this film taught me: That people are always trying to grow or are actually growing but inside we’re all just scared little children.

Brokeback Mountain (2006) Director: Ang Lee

Trigger Warnings: Death, Homophobic slurs, Hate crime (violence)

Okay, let’s get straight into it with this heartrenching and beautiful film shall we? First of all, be prepared to cry for days after in bed (especially as Heath Ledger is in it RIP). Secondly, this is a very important LGBT+ masterpiece and the actors really had you believing that they are deeply in love with each other, which can be rare in cinema.

The landscape in some scenes are picturesque but they have nothing on the characters’ unforgettable connection. Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal have very powerful screen presence, especially when they are sharing a soft touch or passionate love making (wow yeah that bit in the movie is choreographed well by Mister Lee and is pretty steamy).

It is historically accurate and the actresses that play the gentlemans’ wives are complex but strong characters. Anne Hathaway and Michelle Williams give very emotional performances, you really feel their inner turmoils. However, there are some parts of the film where you find yourself questioning their motives and how they could be so insensitive. A sad but interesting fact about Brokeback Mountain is that Michelle Williams (who plays Ennis’s wife) and Heath Ledger were actually together in real life.

This is a film that everyone should see at least once in their lives, even if it is just to educated bigoted family members or friends on homosexuality and its importance in our society. Once, a family friend was being very homophobic, saying that if his unborn son was to be gay he would be extremely disappointed and sickened. In reaction to his bigotry me and his girlfriend tricked him into watching Brokeback Mountain saying it was a “western”, to which he was very angry and stormed off.

The point I am trying to make is that this film was a right of passage for me and should be for everyone else, at least to open minds and reiterate that #loveislove.

My Favourite Character: Jack and Ennis. Yes I picked two its my blog.

How old I was when I watched it: Around thirteen. Cried like a baby.

My favourite scene: The end scene, I will not give it away.

Ranking of Favourite Film: Hmm, tough. Probably number 5.

What this film taught me: That gay male relationships are just as tender and loving as any other relationship. This surprised me as a thirteen year old because I had my preconceptions of what being gay meant and the stereotypes that come with it.

If you need to cry a lot or want your heart broken then this is the film for you, it is also a cinematic masterpiece.

Little Miss Sunshine (2006) Directors: Valerie Faris and Jonathon Dayton

Trigger Warnings: Drug Abuse, Death, Body Image, Fat Shaming, mention of suicide attempt

SO, let’s get right into it with a film that shaped the way I saw family life and viewed myself in childhood; Little miss Sunshine.

For those that are unfamiliar with this masterpiece, it is about a young girl from a unique and working class family, who has a passion for pageants. She has come second place in one before and she wants to go to another called Little Miss Sunshine. Her family, who are already worried about her interest as she is plus sized (well, has “puppy fat”) and looks very different from the other contestants, do not want to take her. This is also because they do not have the money to go and her uncle just tried to commit suicide but that’s by-the-by. Anywho, they go on a road trip as a dysfunctional family and A LOT of shit goes down but I will not ruin it.

So, what did this film teach me about life as a very lost and traumatised little kid? 1.Well, it taught me that child beauty pageants are toxic and make me feel ill (how do they still exist after jonbenet?)

2. That I was not alone in the world as a confused fat kid with a family that confused the hell out of me

3. It was an introduction to what suicide attempts are and breaking the stigma of talking about them

4. That I wasn’t the only child who had parents who couldn’t stand each other

My favourite character: Uncle Frank. I love his transparency and bravery

How old I was when I watched it: around eleven years old

My favourite scene: The dance scene; It is epic, hilarious, inappropriate as hell but weirdly heartwarming

Ranking of favourite film: easily #2

If you haven’t, go and watch this beautiful film. It will make you laugh and cry so much but you’ll feel so inspired after I promise.

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